Euphorique PR





Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos.

Personal Branding Consultant


First impressions matter, whether you’re exploring new job opportunities or aiming to enhance your personal brand. This holds true both in face-to-face encounters and on social media platforms.

Embarking on a journey of career growth, whether as an employee, startup founder, or small business owner, comes with a significant challenge – That’s why you need a Personal Branding Consultant like Euphorique PR agency to guide you. We have worked with over 50 CEOs and countless numbers of businesses and professionals, helping them stand out in the crowded marketplace.

Beyond your physical self, how you portray yourself online has become a significant aspect of personal branding and effective personal marketing because the world is now a global village.  

Linkedin has become one of the most prominent social media platforms where professionals can strategically shape and amplify their personal brand.

What is LinkedIn?


LinkedIn is a professional networking platform designed for business and employment-oriented connections. Launched in 2003, it has grown to become the largest professional networking site globally. LinkedIn serves as a virtual space where professionals, job seekers, and businesses can connect, interact, and share opportunities.

However, LinkedIn’s focus has always been connecting professionals and the platform has managed to stay the course. Building a personal brand is about building an online persona that people with similar needs or interests can easily identify with you. The marriage of personal branding strategy and LinkedIn means that even a complete newbie can start creating on LinkedIn today and find success on the platform.

Many individuals have not just made meaningful connections, but have also gotten lucrative jobs through strategic positioning of their personal brands on LinkedIn. The platform serves as the perfect place for Brand Identity Development, Online Reputation Management, and Professional Image Building.

LinkedIn, being a global hub for professionals, presents a unique opportunity to shape and amplify your personal brand strategically. Here are five Brand Building Tips to improve your presence on LinkedIn.


Optimize Your Profile: Crafting a Digital First Impression


Do: Start with a Powerful Headline

Your headline is the first thing people see. Make it count. Instead of a generic job title, craft a headline that not only reflects your role but also showcases your unique value proposition or a past achievement. For instance, “helped raise N10 million for XYZ brand II Corporate Communications Manager II Corporate Fundraiser” as a headline will make a non-profit interested in one’s ability. This is a self-marketing technique that can help grab attention of the right people

Do: Invest in a Professional Profile Picture

A picture is worth a thousand words. Choose a professional headshot that not only captures your personality but also aligns with your brand. A well-lit, close-up is ideal. Here is an example of a headshot from a personal branding photo shoot that we coordinated for a client in Lagos, Nigeria:

Do: Craft a Compelling Summary

Your summary is your digital elevator pitch. Beyond just posting your CV, tell your story. 

Use keywords relevant to your industry and highlight your achievements with quantifiable results. For example, “Increased web traffic by 20% through targeted content marketing campaigns.”

Don’t: Do Not Neglect The Use of Keywords 

Keywords are powerful on LinkedIn, so you should use them strategically throughout your headline and about section. Think about what you offer and what people might type in if they were looking for your services.

Engage Actively: Building a Dynamic Online Presence


Do: Share Valuable Content Regularly

LinkedIn is not just a resume; it’s a content-sharing platform. Regularly share industry-related content, comment on others’ posts, and participate in relevant discussions. This helps in building a strong online presence and expanding your network.

Do: Seek Recommendations

Request and provide thoughtful recommendations. These endorsements add credibility to your profile and offer insights into your professional strengths.

Do: Join and Contribute to Groups

Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry. Share your expertise, ask questions, and connect with professionals who share similar interests.


Don’t: Overlook Privacy Settings

Be mindful of the impression your activity on LinkedIn can create. Adjust your privacy settings to control what others can see.

Utilize Multimedia: Adding Depth to Your Profile

Do: Enhance Your Profile with Multimedia Elements

Don’t limit your profile to text. Showcase your work by incorporating multimedia elements. Upload presentations, videos, or projects that highlight your skills and accomplishments.

Don’t: Ignore Networking Opportunities

Actively network by accepting connection requests, responding to messages, and attending virtual events. Networking is a two-way street; don’t miss out on valuable connections.

Connect with Purpose: Quality over Quantity


Do: Personalize Connection Requests

When sending connection requests, always include a personalized message. Explain why you want to connect and how your connection can be mutually beneficial.

Don’t: Connect Without Personalization

Generic connection requests are often ignored. Take a moment to explain your intent behind connecting and the value you can bring to the table.

Maintain Professional Etiquette: A Lasting Impression Matters

Do: Be Mindful of Your Online Behavior

While engaging in discussions or sharing content, maintain a professional tone. Avoid heated debates or controversial statements that may harm your professional reputation.

Don’t: Engage in Spammy Behavior

Excessive self-promotion or irrelevant content sharing can be off-putting. Quality over quantity is key when it comes to posts and interactions.

Becoming adept at personal branding on LinkedIn calls for thoughtful planning, steady dedication, and a good grasp of the platform’s ever-changing dynamics. Your personal brand serves as a continual mirror reflecting your skills, values, and contributions. Adhering to these guidelines can help enhance your LinkedIn profile, foster meaningful connections, and establish yourself as a respected professional in your industry.

We can be your Personal Branding Consultants, as we have successfully assisted numerous CEOs, Business Executives, and Entrepreneurs in building their personal brands on LinkedIN and online media in general. From providing insights on photoshoots to optimizing LinkedIn profiles, managing engagement, and curating content, we offer a comprehensive range of services.

Let’s help you enhance business profitability and career growth through our personal branding services in Lagos, Nigeria and beyond. Consult with us today.

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